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Frewen and the Britsh Dyslexia Association Films

Frewen College was asked by the British Dyslexia Association and PATOSS (The professional association of teachers of students with specific learning difficulties) to take part in a series of short information films showing best dyslexia teaching practice. The videos will now be used by the BDA as a resource for teachers.

The six videos show some of the strategies our teachers use to help dyslexic students to learn effectively and make progress, and each film focuses on a different aspect of teaching and learning.  The first two can be found on our homepage, and the other four below. We hope you enjoy watching them.

Film 3: Using questions to check understanding

A film showing how Frewen teachers strategically ask questions throughout lessons to ensure dyslexic students fully understand a concept.

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Film 4: Making links to previous learning

A film showing how important it is for teachers to help dyslexic children connect their work from lesson to lesson and across subjects.

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Film 5: Outlining the lesson

This film illustrates how Frewen teachers summarise a lesson at the start to help set students' expectations and to give them a clear structure.

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Film 6: Appropriate use of IT.

This film demonstrates how Frewen College uses Assistive Technology to enable students who find reading and writing a barrier to their learning, to overcome this and produce meaningful printed work.

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