Useful Links
Here are some links we hope you may find helpful: we have tried to select only the best. Please note that we have no commercial link with any of these organisations. If you have experience of other websites or organisations that you have found useful, please let us know so that we can pass them on. Please also let us know if you find any of the following especially helpful- or not!
Dyslexia Action, a leading provider of services and support for dyslexics, specialising in assessment and teacher training. Has a national network of centres.
Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS), provides information and support to Service families and eligible MOD civilians on all aspects of education.
National Literacy Trust is a charity providing support for anyone with poor reading and writing skills.
Advisory Centre for Education: this excellent free parents' telephone advice line has been helping parents of children with SEN for over 50 years.
Being Dyslexic: this website is designed for dyslexics and their helpers. Lots of positive and practical advice:
Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST):
SOS!SEN, an extremely helpful parents' support organisation that will advise you on the statementing and SENDIST processes:
Speech Disorders: this site provides support specifically parents and carers of children with speech disorders. Lots of good advice and information.